
6am (but im just really going to add it to my '7am' series)

The mirrors in SLRs are neat 
OK so I think that I've gotten the 'wake up early/shoot a roll of film in the country' bug... I had intentions of waking up at 6:15, and taking a bike ride up the road a bit to take some sunrise photos. But my body/mind had other plans. I woke up, fully awake around 2am... Went back to sleep. Woke up at 5am. Couldn't sleep. Drank water. Went back to bed. Neko started playing. Definitely couldn't sleep. Decided to just get up and go drive out to the country around the lake and take photos. SO glad I did. It was beautiful, calm and peaceful. The only noise was turkeys off in the distance making whatever sound they make... And I guess it did rain a little bit, so it wasn't exactly entirely calm... But hey, it's better than the sound of Neko playing with my blind cords.

Here's some shots off the roll of film I shot. I'll post some of the digitals on my flickr/facebook later tonight/tomorrow... 


These bush things are the reason I decided to stop the car where I did.

Prickly thingie 
Aren't they neat looking? all pokey and budded out.


These weeds are just... Bizarre looking. In my humble opinion 

Zee hills of sand
OK. I'll admit it. Nebraska. Is. Pretty. There. I said it.

I don't know if it's just because I grew up driving in these hills to get to our summer cabin's lake... But I just... really like them...
On my way back to Np I sped past this lovely field of flowers... Soo I stopped the car and turned around and finished off the rest of the roll of Film.
Worthy of turning around, I'd say.

Which it's a good thing I did end up turning around, because I had missed the turn I was supposed to take... It's all good now though :)

The End 


springtime and a few film shots

Sooo I'm fairly certain that Spring is my favorite season. Yep, I'm sure. Flipping through my photos on my computer's harddrive tells me that I shoot the most in springtime. Spring is just so... Refreshing after winter... 

little bee

 OK, shift of gears: My film photos that I took last Wed morning when it was so foggy and lovely? Ruined. I was dumb and opened the back of my camera, just assuming the film was ready to be removed... Not so much... I still had like 4 exposures... Blah. I'm bummed/mad that I lost them... This is the only survivor: 

blah and it's not even good. 

mirriam road

Went out this afternoon to the country to enjoy some solace and photo taking. Shot about a roll and a half of film, and was fairly happy with how most of the rolls turned out. Beginning to realize that my growing obsession with film may get expensive... uh... yeah. Okay, here's some photos off roll #1

I tend to shoot lots of photos of weeds... 

and grass... 

See what I mean?

It's a problem, I know...

Sometimes I take photos of trees, and sometimes I take photos of the sky. Sometimes I combine the two, and throw in some birds for extra credit

New Toms! I just got them last weekend, and they've already been in on a photo exploration in a muddy field... It's kinda a bad habit carry out with new shoes... 

Tree thingie with cool buds on it 
That's all for now... I have more, but I don't want to overwhelm my page


These photos are some off a roll of film I took towards the end of March late one freezing Sunday afternoon. I used my rebel film camera and 50mm 1.8 lens. Of the few film cameras I use, the rebel is the one I can consistently produce a semi good roll with. The reason being, it's a pretty seamless transition from my rebel xsi.

So these first ones were taken over by my church...
I have a slight obsession with electricity wires and polls...

Wood bokeh
Yay for 50mm bokeh!

Grain bin door thing
Annnd then I drove to Walmart to drop the film of... Finishing the roll off on my way, of course...

Traffic lights 

The end :)


a word or two on my film cameras

A few years back my grandma gave me some old cameras that were just collecting dust in her attic.

There was a pretty great assortment. As you can see, three brownies, a kodak EK4, an argus something, an Imperial Mark XII Flash, and a Konica C35. Also in the booty was flashbulbs for the brownie reflex (pictured in the glass jar to the left), a flash holder, a roll of 120 film that expired in '64, and a couple different leather camera cases.
 Up until a couple months ago, I didn't really seriously pursue actually using any of the cameras for photo taking. When she first gave them to me, I took them simply because I thought they all looked all vintage-y and cool and was sure they would make a nice addition to my room decor
I still think the cameras look nifty, but I finally actually decided to start researching the cameramodels/film types, figuring out how they work(or if they still work), and actually putting some film in them if I could and taking some photos. I decided to Google the camera pictured to the far right, the Brownie Reflex, to see what sort of film it takes/how to go about exposing a photo with it. I came across OrphanCameras.com, which is a website entirely devoted to well... Supplying manuals in PDF form for 'orphan cameras'. It's awesome. Just sayin'. I downloaded manuals for the brownie reflex, and the konica and decided that since the konica uses 35mm, and the brownie uses 120, it would be logical to start with the konica as 120film is a bit of a process to acquire/develop. 
  So that's where I'm at. I've read the manual front to back and then some (with that fancy iPhone of mine, I can download the PDF straight to iBooks), and shot and had one roll developed. Only about half of the shots even remotely turned out simple because I'm used to the digital machine-gun-shooting way of taking photos and didn't shoot the rest very carefully, but 35mm is still semi readily available here in NP to purchase and develop.

Here's the ones that kinda turned out:

My lovely cul-de-sac on a cloudy sunday morning 

Fourth Street has such neat trees 

Gotta have a self-portrait, right? ha


I just like the feel this camera has. The colors are fun and a nice change of pace from digital, or even my canon rebel film camera


These are some shots off the roll of film I shot last autumn when 
I was in Chicago visiting my brother Jesse at his school, and other misc shots from that roll

waiting to depart in the omaha airport

this is my brother jesse. i like his hat
this is chicago
this is my scarf while i was in chicago. it was freezing
some random person

this is not chicago, this is NP


Expressed my creativity today on some plain t shirts 
this is some of the controlled mess that ensued

my tribute to dexter