
lunar new year parade


And here lies the Parade photos... Most of which are "stranger pics"

dragon tales

Someone gave these guys the wrong address to the Celtic parade... 

And who invited this guy?

That's all for now... 

year of the water snake

I went to Chinatown with a friend from class on Sunday afternoon to shoot photos during the the Lunar New Year festivities. Lots of great light, colors, and subjects were present, and therefor lots of photos ensued, obviously. Some turned out better than others, unfortunately. It helps to keep the Holga on the 1/100th setting, rather than Bulb exposure... Bummer.

This is a bit of a tangent, but it's rather relevant and I kinda feel like rambling on about it. One of my major problems with living here in Chicago is that there is just too much subject matter to shoot, and I have too many different cameras to shoot with. First world problem, right? Or maybe just 'photography problem'. This is an art form of gear and gadgets, and I like it that way. However it tends to get a little cumbersome and only slightly ridiculous for me to carry my Rebel, 35mm Rebel, Pentax, Holga, Instax, and fisheye all at once while exploring what the city has to offer. Heck, for the most part I hardly like to carry my dslr around let alone any of my film cameras and extra film. It has been a good exercise for me to limit myself to one or two (or three) cameras on my photo explorations, forcing myself to stop worrying about 'missing that shot' on a particular camera. Other than the copious amounts of 120 I've been shooting for my photo class, it's been mostly the iPhone that I keep by my side, unless I go to some 'event'... 
So to awkwardly end this little diddy, I guess I'll say if you're looking to check out my day-to-day photography 'journaling', follow my instagram (but don't hate my photo rampages I go on if the creative juices are mixed up just right).


(incl. 'stranger photos'... aka, creeping pics)

Will post the parade photos in a separate post -- this one is exceeding the photo limit



I'm taking a photo class at school this semester, so thankfully I've been trying to be more intentional with my photography. Below are some shots I've made with a Holga, and then developed and printed in the campus' darkroom.
I'm going to scan and post more soon, but here's a little taste of what I've been up to in terms of "real photography"

Construction and my dorm

Frozen Chicago River 

Liz on a sunny day

My brother posing for my "Staged Event" assignment... I attempted to re-create those old large format long-exposure portraits. The "smoke" is pillow filling, and this was shot with fill and spot lighting w/ a 6 sec exposure 
Check back soon for more